Twitter Battles

  1. Daniel Popescu a
  2. Niculita Silvan a


The proposed idea for the project is that by using the public Twitter feeds of a profile, and it's number of followers and other public data we can create a web strategy game. The strategy component is described in the wireframes/storyboards.

Materials And Methods


Wireframe 1

The main idea here is to have an animation representing the back and forth tweets between two accounts (and their followers)

Start screen

Choosing all parameters for the battle

Real time animation process

Real time animation process 2

Wireframe 2

Here the focus is more on an actual playable game, and the strategy possibilities.

Start screen

Battle initiation

Battle Screen

Attack / defense concept

Middle of game

Wireframe 3

A game based on facebook this time.

Start screen

Battle initiation

Battle Screen

Battle complications


HTML5 Personas

All 4 personas are here


Twitter battles logo

Font family and hierarchy:

Helvetica Neue
Title tag - 20px
Subtitle tag - 16px
Paragraph tag - 14px
Links - 14px


A bright blue as primary color, pairing with variants of gray wchich contain blue, and black and white.

Twitter battles colors


Client Side application

Implementation details
